Faculty Profile
Shawn J. Chiappetta, Ph.D.
Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science & Data Science
Dr. Shawn Chiappetta has been a dedicated faculty member at the University of Sioux Falls since 2003, bringing expertise in numerical analysis, parallel algorithms, and computational mathematics. With a Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, his work focuses on advancing interdisciplinary applications of mathematics and data science. Dr. Chiappetta is deeply committed to student success, having guided numerous undergraduate research projects and developed original courses in data mining, machine learning, and numerical methods. An active member of the Mathematical Association of America, he has served in various leadership roles and earned recognition for his teaching excellence and service.
- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2009
- M.S., Mathematics, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, 1998
- B.A., Mathematics and Accounting, Carthage College, 1996
Courses Taught
- MAT111 - Elementary Algebra
- MAT112 - College Algebra and Trigonometry
- MAT113 - College Algebra
- MAT114 - Functions
- MAT151 - Nature of Mathematics
- MAT155 - Quantitative Reasoning
- MAT202 - Finite Math
- MAT204 - Calculus I
- MAT205 - Calculus II
- MAT207 - Introduction to Data Science
- MAT222 - Math for Elementary Teachers I
- MAT233 - Statistics
- MAT270 - Statistics and Mathematical Functions
- MAT283 - Art of Thinking
- MAT300 - Numerical Methods
- MAT304 - Linear Algebra
- MAT306 - Logic and Discrete Mathematics
- MAT310 - Calculus III
- MAT311 - Differential Equations
- MAT320 - Introduction to Real Analysis
- MAT491 - Independent Study
- MAT482 - Senior Seminar II
- COM104 - Computer Solutions
- COM201 - Introduction to Computer Science I
- COM202 - Introduction to Computer Science II
- COM205 - Intro to Computer Science I
- COM206 - Intro to Computer Science II
- COM215 - Web Programming
- COM305 - Introduction to Machine Learning
- COM308 - Introduction to Data Mining
- COM310 - Information Systems Analysis
- COM315 - Organization of Programming Languages
- COM320 - Computer Architecture & DigitalLogic
- COM322 - Operating Systems
- COM340 - Algorithms
- COM390 - Special Topics in ComputerApplication
- ACC228 - Accounting for Decision Making
- ART294 - Art & Cultural Travel
- BUS382 - Management Control Systems
- EDD722 - Data Analysis in Decision-Making
- EDU650 - Educational Statistics
Professional Memberships
Mathematical Association of America
The Mathematical Association of America is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level. Our members include university, college and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; and many others in academia, government, business and industry. We welcome all who are interested in the mathematical sciences.
Association for Computing Machinery
ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.
- Numerical Analysis / Parallel Algorithms / Differential Equations
Scholarships and Creative Work
- Elementary Statistics: Looking at the Big Picture by Nancy Pfenning, University of Pittsburgh, 2010
- Sapling Software, Focus Group/Demo Reviewer, Macmillan Publishing, 2018
- Lessons in Scientific Computing, Multiple Chapters, CRC Press, 2016
- College Algebra, Video Reviewer, Pearson Publishing, 2017
- Statistical Analysis Learning Tool (SALT), Faculty Development Partner/Reviewer, Cengage Publishing, 2019
- Panelist, “Transition from Undergraduate to Graduate Study in Mathematics,” MAA/Wisconsin Section Meeting, April 2003
- “Baby Steps: An Introduction to Mathematical Technology in the Classroom,” Presented at the MAA/NCS Project NExT Meeting, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN, October 2007
- “Implementation of a Capstone Course in the Mathematical Sciences,” Presented at the MAA/NCS Project NExT Meeting, College of St. Benedict, Collegeville, MN, April 2008
- “Within an Epsilon: The Evolution of a Real Analysis Course,” Presented at the MAA/NCS Spring Meeting, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, April 2013
- “Creativity, Writing and Mathematics,” Presented at the Joint MAA/AMS Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 2014
- “Embedding Undergraduate Research in a Senior Capstone Course,” Presented at MathFest, Portland, OR, August 2014
- “A Brief Introduction to Scientific Python,” Presented at Sanford Statistical Analysis in Research, Sioux Falls, SD, August 2015
- Applied Mathematics at the Small College (Panel) MAA-North Central Section Spring Meeting, Mankato, Minnesota, 2018
Service/Volunteer Work
MAA North Central Section Secretary
2015 to Present
MAA North Central Section At-Large Member
MAA North Central Section Information Officer
MAA North Central Section NExT Co-Chair
MAA Membership Committee
2019 to Present
Sioux Falls School District, K-12 Math Steering Committee
Data Science at Non-R1 Institutes Working Meeting
Member of Committee working to bring funding and other pedogogical resources to non-R1 institutes of higher learning, 2018
SCUDEM - Undergraduate Modeling Competition
Served as judge for the undergraduate competition on modeling, 2021, 2023