Michelle Hanson, Ed.D.

Associate Professor, Education/ Area Chair;Education

Dr. Hanson received her doctoral degree from the University of South Dakota in Adult and Higher Education in 2000. She received a Master of Science in Home Economics, specializing in Human Development, Child and Family Studies in 1991. Her undergraduate degrees include a Bachelor of Science in Child Development and Family Studies and Psychology.

Dr. Hanson taught at South Dakota State University from 1987-2000 as a graduate teaching assistant and later as an instructor. She taught in the laboratory preschool with children ranging from 15 months-6 years of age. She served as the NAEYC Preschool Reaccreditation Coordinator and taught both undergraduate and graduate-level courses.  

Currently, Dr. Hanson teaches both undergraduate and graduate-level courses. Dr. Hanson serves as area chair and certification officer for the Fredrikson School of Education. 


  • Ed.D., Adult and Higher Education, University of South Dakota, 2000
  • M.S., Home Economics, Human Development, Child and Family Studies, SDSU, 1991
  • B.S., Child Development and Family Studies, SDSU, 1987
  • B.S., Psychology, SDSU, 1987

Courses Taught

  • EDU218 - Introduction to Field Experiences
  • EDU235 - Kindergarten Methods
  • EDU260 - Language Development
  • EDU304 - Assessment and Evaluation in the Classroom
  • EDU526 - Educational Psychology and Evaluation
  • EDU588 - Practicum: Qualitative Inquiry in Literacy Learning
  • EDU405 - Instructional Management

Professional Memberships


ASCD is a membership organization that develops programs, products and services essential to the way educators learn, teach and lead.


NAEYC supports high-quality early care and education programs that lay the foundation for school readiness, academic success and adult achievement.


  • Trauma Sensitive Schools


November 2008: Mathematizing the kindergarten classroom: Increasing children’s math achievement and joy through Cognitively Guided Instruction

Presentation at the Annual NAEYC Conference, Washington, D.C.

March 2008: Higher education connections: Creating effective and meaningful collaborative relationships. Presentation at the National ASCD Conference, New Orleans, La.

November 2009: Kids figure it out: A demonstration lesson of kindergarten math problem solving, Presentation at the Annual NAEYC Conference, Washington, D.C.

March 2009: Using Storybooks to Encourage Mathematical Thinking. Presentation at the National ASCD Conference, New Orleans, La.

March 2010: Engaging Primary Students through Storybooks and Problem Solving. Presentation at the 2010 National ASCD Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

March 2011: Content, Process, Products, Environment: Differentiating in the PK-3 Classroom. Presentation at the 2013 National ASCD Conference in San Francisco, Calif.

March 2013: Using Data Walls to Support Elementary Students and Teacher Candidates, Presentation at the 2013 National ASCD Conference in Chicago, Ill.

March 2013: You Expect Me to Read Your Feedback on My Paper? Presentation at the 2013 National ASCD Conference in Chicago, Ill.

March 2013: Jumping into the Problem-Based Learning Pool: Helping ELL Students Swim Successfully. Presentation at the 2013 National ASCD Conference in Chicago, Ill.

March 2014: "Innovation in Preservice Elementary Teacher Preparation" National ASCD Conference in Los Angles, Calif. 



Wiebelhaus, S., & Fryer Hanson, M. (2016). Effects of Classroom-Based Physical Activities on Off-Task Behaviors and Attention: Kindergarten Case Study. The Qualitative Report, 21(8), 1380-1393. Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol21/iss8/2

Hanson, M.F. (2019). Shifting roles: How can we prepare teachers to address trauma in classrooms?  ASCDEDadvantage. Retrieved from https://shwca.se/ASCDedadvantage-TraumaInformedSchools.  Along with the article, we made a 4:48 minute video for ASCD members to view in addition to reading the article.

Scholarships and Creative Work

  • Wiebelhaus, S., & Fryer Hanson, M. (2016). Effects of Classroom-Based Physical Activities on Off-Task Behaviors and Attention: Kindergarten Case Study. The Qualitative Report, 21(8), 1380-1393. Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol21/iss8/2
  • February 2008- Reviewed content for educational psychology text, Ed Psych Modules, by Lisa Bohlin, Cheryl Cisero Durwin and Marla Reese- Weber.
  • March 2010- Reviewed content for McGraw Hill for the assessment text, Classroom Assessment for Teachers: A Practical Approach by Witte.
  • Reviewed content for Cengage Learning for the ECE text, Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education by Robertson.

Service/Volunteer Work

United Way Ready To Read Planning Campaign

2001-2011 Helped to start and serve on the Ready to Read Committee and acted as the Registration Chair.

Sioux Empire United Way Community Impact Team Member

2006-2012  Success by 6 Community Impact Team Member

Holy Cross Lutheran Church Preschool Advisory Board


Pearson EdTPA Early Childhood Scorer

Dr. Hanson volunteered to be part of Pearson's edTPA program. dTPA is a pre-service assessment process designed by educators to answer the essential question: "Is a new teacher ready for the job?" edTPA includes a review of a teacher candidate's authentic teaching materials as the culmination of a teaching and learning process that documents and demonstrates each candidate's ability to effectively teach his/her subject matter to all students.

Conference Session Reviewer for ASCD EMPOWER 19

May 2018 I reviewed 60 sessions for ASCD EMPOWER 19 using the given criteria and rubric.  

ASCD Student Advisor

Fall 2016- Present.  Assisted students in developing a mission statement, SLO's, and an application to ASCD.  Attend meetings, support students in planning and fundraising.  


Served on the Higher Ed Teacher Prep Work Group for WICHE and MHTTC from Spring 2019-2020 and co-developed whitepaper.

The whitepaper and materials can be found here: https://mhttcnetwork.org/sites/mhttc/files/2020-01/helping-teachers-support-student-mental-health.pdf

Developed and provided a Day Long training on Dialogic Reading to 40 ECE teachers and administrators in the Sioux Falls School District fall 2020
News Story 2019

I volunteered to be part of the poverty simulation in Spring 2019 and interviewed for a Kelo news story. https://www.keloland.com/news/local-news/usf-students-experience-life-in-poverty-through-simulation/1931399677/

Wrote Grant to purchase a SWIVL System for the FSOE

I wrote a grant for $1120.65 to purchase a SWIVL system for the FSoE.  The SWIVL is a video data capture system.  We were funded by the USF Women’s Board for AY 2018-2019.

SouthEast Technical College Early Childhood Advisory Board

Fall 2019- Present.  The advisory board examined class syllabi, worked on a SWOT analysis, completed a program quality assessment, and advised on the development of an action plan for STI's early childhood program.  

Served on the Higher Education Teacher Preparation Work Group for WICHE and Mountain Plains MHTTC

I was part of a small team responsible for brainstorming and advising on the whitepaper for teachers entitled, "Helping Teachers Support Mental Health: Recommendations for Strengthening K-12 Teacher Preparation Curricula." 

Invited to be on the ASCD Emerging Leader Selection Committee

6/2023 I was invited to be a member of the ASCD Emerging Leader Selection Committee.  There were multiple rounds of reviewing candidate's files and using a rubric to score their materials.  

ASCD Community Panel on Leading in Higher Education

10/19/23- Was invited by ASCD to participate with Gretchen Oltman and Shellon SamuelsWhite from Creighton University and MICO Unversity College in Kingston, Jamaica to serve on a Zoom panel to discuss current issues in Higher Education.  

Invited to be on the ASCD Emerging Leader Selection Committee

6/2023 I was invited to be a member of the ASCD Emerging Leader Selection Committee.  There were multiple rounds of reviewing candidates' files using a rubric to score materials in June and July 2023.  

Distance Learning Review Committee

Summer 2021 Served on a sub-group for the SDDOE's Distance Learning Review Committee.  

Faculty Development Seminar: Online Modality Session

12/10/2020 Jared Berg and I co-constructed the content and engaged our colleagues in an online conversation focused on the challenges and benefits of teaching and learning in the online environment.  

Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Westside Christian Book Club

Joined USF college students and Westside Christian students in a 5-week book study.