Faculty Profile
Joy D. Lind, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Business Administration & Accreditation Director
Joy Lind, Ph.D., M.S.O.R., P.M.P. is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Sioux Falls. She also serves as the Accreditation Director for USF. From 2017 through Spring 2022, she served as the Vice President of Academic Affairs at USF; driven by her passion for teaching, she decided to return to USF faculty with the 2022 fall semester. (She had previously taught courses in mathematics and computer science at USF, from 2008-2017.) Prior to joining the USF faculty, she was employed at various companies in and around Boulder, Colorado, in the areas of Operations Research, IT Project Management, and Service Level Management.
- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Kentucky, 1998
- M.S., Operations Research, University of Kentucky, 1995
- B.A., Mathematics, Transylvania University, 1993
Courses Taught
- BUS427 - Strategic Management
- ACC330 - Accounting Information Systems
- GEN490 - General Studies Major Capstone
- BUS530 - Ldrshp and Ethical Management
- BUS560 - Strategic Management
- BUS335 - Operations Management
- COM104 - Computer Solutions
- COM310 - Information Systems Analysis
- MAT112 - College Algebra and Trigonometry
- MAT151 - Nature of Mathematics
- MAT201 - Calculus for Applications
- MAT204 - Calculus I
- MAT221 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
- MAT223 - Math for Elementary Teachers II
- MAT304 - Linear Algebra
- MAT310 - Calculus III
- MAT490 - Mathematics and Computer Science Senior Seminar II
- SDV100 - The USF Experience
Professional Memberships
Mathematical Association of America (previous)
From the MAA Mission Statement: The Mathematical Association of America is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level. Our members include university, college, and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; and many others in academia, government, business, and industry. We welcome all who are interested in the mathematical sciences.
The mission of the MAA is "to advance the mathematical sciences, especially at the collegiate level."
Project Management Institute (current)
Certified as a Project Management Professional (P.M.P.), 2006 through present, having achieved recertification every 3 years. Am currently an active member of the Sioux Empire Project Management Institute (PMI).
- Management / Leadership / Strategy / Operations Research / Optimization / Graph Theory
Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, 1996-97
- Developed a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving the Constrained Maximum-Entropy Sampling Problem, then implemented the algorithm on the University of Kentucky 32-processor Exemplar Supercomputer.
- Developed and proposed a policy and implementation for the improved performance of the University of Kentucky bus system. The University implemented this, and has had very good results.
Presented research and/or teaching at: Joint Mathematics Meetings of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and American Mathematical Society (AMS); Regional Sectional Meetings of the MAA; MAA MathFest; Annual Conference of the Higher Learning Commission; National INFORMS meeting; Colorado School of Mines; Brigham Young University; Women in Science Career Day at Southeast Technical Institute; University of Sioux Falls Careers in Mathematics Speaker Series
Scholarships and Creative Work
- Kurt M. Anstreicher, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee and Joy Williams. Maximum-entropy remote sampling. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 108:211-226, 2001.
- Kurt M. Anstreicher, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee, and Joy Williams. Using continuous nonlinear relaxations to solve constrained maximum-entropy sampling problems. Mathematical Programming, Series A, 85:221-240, 1999.
- Alan Hoffman, Jon Lee and Joy Williams. New upper bounds for maximum-entropy sampling. In: A.C. Atkinson, P. Hackl and W. G. Müller, editors, "MODA 6 - Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis", Contributions to Statistics, Springer, Berlin, 143-153, 2001.
- Jon Lee and Joy Williams. A linear integer programming bound for maximum-entropy sampling. Mathematical Programming, Series B, 94:247-256, 2003.
- Jon Lee and Joy Williams. Generalized maximum-entropy sampling. University of Kentucky, Department of Mathematics, Technical report No. 99-10, July 1999.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan. Real world graph connectivity. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications (Oxford Journals); 28: 159-161, August 2009.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan. Maximum flow in fiber-optic networks. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 60: 91-96, 2010.
- J. Lind, D.A. Narayan, and A. Lee. Optimally routing data in fiber-optic networks with existing flow. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 63: 111-119, 2011.
- Kurt M. Anstreicher, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee, and Joy Williams. Continuous relaxations for constrained maximum-entropy sampling. In: "Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (Vancouver, B.C., 1996)", volume 1084 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 234-248. Springer, Berlin, 1996.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan. Strategies for routing data in ring-connected networks. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, September 2012.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan. Spanning trees in hierarchical and fiber-optic networks. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, January 2013.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan. Page Ranking by Internet Search Engines. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, January 2013.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan, Optimal Matching of Approvers to Access Requests. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, January 2013.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan, Untangling the Tuition Exchange Program Network. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 2013.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan, Optimal Monitoring of Networks. Congressus Numerantium, 2012
- B. Ek, C. VerSchneider, J. Lind, and D.A. Narayan, Real World Graph Efficiency. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 2013.
- N. Cahill, J. Lind, and D. A. Narayan, Measuring Brain Connectivity. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 69: 68-78, 2013
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan, Detecting Controversial Articles in Wikipedia. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 70: 57-68, 2014.
- J. Lind, and D. A. Narayan, Course Scheduling using the Critical Path Algorithm. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 72:109-116, 2014.
- E. Carter, D. Gonzalez, J. Lind, and D. A. Narayan, Betweenness Centrality of Fiber-Optic Networks. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 72: 49-59, 2014.
- A. Agarwal, J. Lind, and D.A. Narayan, Classroom Notes: Critical Path Analysis and Scheduling of Complex Projects. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 74: 6-20, 2015.
- J. Lind and D. A. Narayan. Classroom Notes: Using graph theory to analyze anatomical connectivity of the human brain. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 76: 92–106, 2016.
- J. Lind, F. Garcea, B. Mahon, R. Vargas, and D.A. Narayan, Classroom Notes: An Application of Edge Clustering Centrality to Brain Connectivity. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 79:91-98, 2017.
- Co-authored with Ronald Lind; published in fall 2018 by Christian Faith Publishing: Our New Zealand Adventure: A Four-Month Sabbatical to One of the Most Beautiful Places on Earth. Available from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.
- Co-authored with Ronald Lind; published in summer 2013: (Un)Common Books™ - Technology Series Computing Foundations Microsoft Excel 2013 Microsoft Word 2013 Microsoft Outlook 2013 Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
Service/Volunteer Work
Active Member of Rotary Club South of Sioux Falls (October 2023 through present)
Various community service activities: Banquet, Churches, Ad-Hoc Service Events (ongoing)
Faculty Sponsor: Pazaz Worship Dance Team (2008-2017)
Serve as faculty sponsor for USF's Worship Dance Team, Pazaz.