Adam Sieff '08

Youth Pastor; Entrepreneur, SieffStyle Entertainment; Musical Artist for Flame on Gospel


Youth Pastor; Entrepreneur, SieffStyle Entertainment; Musical Artist for Flame On Gospel




Theology & Youth Ministry

His Life Today:

Adam Seiff is a Youth Pastor for One Student Ministry, for First Baptist and Charis Church in Sioux Falls. He is also owner of SieffStyle Entertainment, a DJ-ing and entertainment company, and he is a musical artist for the band Flame On Gospel.

Four Lessons Learned at USF

#1: "Anything you want to be or become is within five people of you." #2: "God has truly got the best for me, and He is trustworthy even when I cannot see where the path is leading." #3: "Boring people are always bored." #4: "Everyone learns in a different way."

Finding a Sense of Place

At USF, Seiff says he found what drove him, who he is, who he is becoming and how he can foster his own growth, not only as a professional but as a person.

USF Draws People With Passion

"USF has a team of people who want to pour into your life," says Seiff. "It has a way of drawing in people who want to be alive, who seek aliveness, and want to live life to the fullest measure, the one Jesus talked about."

It's Truly About the People

"Relationships are what life is all about," he says. "The relationships I fostered at USF continue to bless my life in many ways. All of life is connected, and the decisions we make are part of an endless process of becoming. This is why it matters so much that you surround yourself with."