students dancing in theatre production

Committed to making college more affordable and accessible, the University of Sioux Falls is now offering virtual audition options for theatre scholarships. During their junior or senior year, students wishing to audition for a theatre scholarship may submit video auditions via the Video Audition Form.

Students from every academic major participate in the arts at USF. Performance scholarships are awarded to majors and non-majors alike. Whether you choose to pursue the arts professionally or as a co-curricular activity, the University of Sioux Falls offers many opportunities to cultivate and express the gifts God has given you.

Virtual Theatre Audition Guidelines

  • Prepare and record either one monologue or one musical theatre song. Make sure it's memorized. The song should be performed with a karaoke track or an accompanist.
  • Upload a URL to that video (YouTube, Google Drive, etc.) when you fill out the Video Audition Form.

USF additionally offers Art, Media Studies and Music scholarships for content areas including art, graphic design, media studies, journalism, photography, theatre and video production.