Campus Ministries
Campus Ministries is tied into every aspect of the University. Our Christian mission is a vibrant thread that pulls us together as a community. In Campus Ministries, we focus on loving Christ and serving Him. No matter what denomination you are, you'll feel welcome.
About Campus Ministries
The role of campus ministries is to come alongside students, faculty and staff to assist them in the work of integrating faith and learning. It's our mission to provide pastoral care, plan chapel services, coordinate small groups and connect students with service opportunities to help USF be faithful to its calling.
Culture for Service
The traditional motto of the University is Culture for Service. We seek to foster academic excellence and the development of mature Christian persons for service to God and humankind in the world. Our students have lived out our Culture for Service motto by serving regularly at the following places:
- Local food services such as The Banquet
- Public elementary and middle school mentoring
- Area churches
- South Dakota State Penitentiary
USF offers numerous on-campus opportunities for students to grow in their faith and fellowship together:
- Prayer and biblical discussions integrated into classrooms
- Chapel-10 a.m. Tuesdays and student-led worship Thursdays at 9 p.m. All are welcome.
- Residence Hall Bible Studies
- Worship Team and Service Teams
- Retreats
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
- Cougar Catholics meet regularly on campus and at nearby Christ the King Parish
In addition, our students have contacts with parachurch organizations in the region, such as Young Life
Matt Styles | Campus Pastor or 605-331-6777
The Campus Ministries Office is located in the McDonald Center and Chapel is held in Z-Hall, located in the Salsbury Science Center.