Committed to making college more affordable and accessible, the University of Sioux Falls is now offering guaranteed/automatic music scholarships. Any student who has participated in an all-state choir or band is now eligible for an annual $2,000 music scholarship, with opportunities for increased amounts through in-person auditions and invite only recitals.

Students who have not participated in an all-state ensemble are able to submit video auditions during their junior or senior year for scholarship consideration.

Vocal Auditions

  • Prepare and record two accompanied solos. Make sure it's memorized and performed with an accompanist.
  • Upload a URL to that video (YouTube, Google Drive, etc.) when you fill out the Performing Arts Video Audition Form.

Instrumental Auditions

  • Prepare and record one song with contrasting sections. You do not have to be memorized or perform with an accompanist. If you play more than one instrument, feel free to include songs from each instrument, but it is not required.
  • Upload a URL to that video (YouTube, Google Drive, etc.) when you fill out the Performing Arts Video Audition Form.

USF additionally offers Art, Media Studies and Theatre scholarships for content areas including art, graphic design, media studies, journalism, photography, theatre and video production.