Misten Langenfeld '00

Entrepreneur, Ripple Marketing and Creative Co-op


Entrepreneur, Ripple Marketing and Creative Co-op




B.A., Mass Communication/Advertising and Marketing

Her Life Today:

Misten Langenfeld owns Ripple Marketing, as well as the Creative Co-op, a space where individuals in the creative fields come together independently at the same address in downtown Sioux Falls. She and husband Luke, also a 2000 graduate and a former USF baseball coach, have three daughters.

"Getting Involved" Made a Difference

During her USF career, Langenfeld played basketball, volleyball, tennis and was in theater. "I learned something valuable from being a part of each one of them," she says.

At the Core is Faith

Langenfeld says attending a faith-based college helped mold her as a person and has helped her during crucial life decisions. "During my time at USF, there were constant reminders around me to stay true to my faith," she says. "Whether it was from my RA, my friends, my coaches and, of course, the wonderful campus pastor, Dennis Thum, who was always there with a listening ear and a kind heart."

Never Give Up

The best piece of advice she received while at USF was from her coach, Lori Huisken. "She was always reminding me to believe in myself, work hard to achieve your goals and don't give up." So far, so good, says Langenfeld. "Having guts has always worked out for me."

USF Network Has Helped

Langenfeld has lived in Sioux Falls for 20 years, and she describes it as a "small big city." Even though it has grown considerably during the past two decades, she says the community remains tight-knit and because of that personal connections are important. "In my business, I rely on referrals. Utilizing my USF network has been extremely beneficial for me."