
June 6, 2018

This week the University of Sioux Falls welcomes and celebrates a new group of educators looking to take their schooling to new heights with a Master of Education (M.Ed.) or Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree through the Fredrikson School of Education. Students in the program are making more of their summer with the convenient online courses and personal on-campus courses in order to make more of an impact in classrooms and students’ lives. USF’s M.Ed. and Ed.S. programs offer convenient, affordable degrees for on-the-job educators looking to pursue an advanced degree, non-educators seeking initial certification and people pursuing careers in adult and higher education.

USF is proud to offer six different M.Ed. degrees and two Ed.S. degrees:

· M.Ed. in Reading - qualifies educators for reading specialist authorization

· M.Ed. in Teaching - qualifies individuals who possess a bachelor’s degree in a content area taught in middle and secondary schools for initial certification

· M.Ed. in Technology - qualifies educators for technology endorsements

· M.Ed. in Technology and Customized Learning - qualifies educators for K-12 technology endorsement

· M.Ed. in Educational Leadership - qualifies educators for principal licensure

· M.Ed. in Educational Administration/Adult and Higher Education - prepares individuals to work in adult learning organizations, such as higher education institutions

· Ed.S. in Educational Administration/Principal - qualifies educators for the next highest professional degree beyond the Master’s degree and for principal licensure

· Ed.S. in Educational Administration/Superintendent - qualifies educators for the next highest professional degree beyond the Master’s degree and for superintendent licensure

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