USF announces hundreds of career building summer workshops for educators
May 24, 2018
This summer, the University of Sioux Falls is where smart educators will want to be. With close to 250 professional development opportunities available both online and on campus, there’s no reason not to make the most of this summer by taking your career to the next step.
USF summer classes for teachers cover the subjects that are most in demand in today’s education field. Learn how to stop the power struggle with students in our Discipline with Love & Logic class or discover how to bring components of science, technology, engineering and math into your classroom by choosing the STEM class.
These are just two examples of the hundreds of workshops available that will make your career more fulfilling and strengthen your approach to teaching.
Also this summer, USF is offering a unique opportunity to attend the popular Jill Eggleton Institute June 11th through June 14th.
Jill Eggleton is a renowned international education consultant in literacy. Among her long list of accomplishments are the highly progressive schools in New Zealand she helped establish that have earned national recognition in literacy achievement.
This eye-opening program is ideal for anyone in the education field as well as education students.
Click here to learn more about this exciting workshop and to register now for the Jill Eggleton Institute:
Through the University of Sioux Falls’ professional development summer workshops you’ll discover how to create a more interesting classroom experience with new approaches, deeper subject understanding and the latest techniques.
Summer is almost here, and the USF summer workshops are filling fast, so you’ll want to click here to see a complete list of classes and register now for the learning opportunity that fits your needs: