April 9, 2018

University of Sioux Falls and the ALICE Training Institute team up again this summer to bring the nationally-recognized training program, ALICE Instructor Training, to the Sioux Falls region June 4-5.

The goal of the ALICE program is to provide individuals with survival-enhancing options for those critical moments in the gap between when a violent situation begins and when law enforcement arrives on scene. By completing ALICE Training Institute, participants become certified teachers who can train fellow employees at their respective organizations.

“The tragedy in Parkland, Florida, so recently unfortunately shows this training remains relevant today,” said Kevin Grebin, head of security for USF. “This is the third consecutive year we’ve hosted, and we’ve heard a lot of positive feedback. It’s efficient and cost-effective, because one person can pay to become certified to go back and train their entire workplace.”

A range of organizations have employees participating in the training this year, from Mitchell Wesleyan Church security staff to McCook and Beadle counties’ sheriff’s departments, South Dakota State University’s police department and others.


ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate and is a useful strategy for everyone: law enforcement, schools, universities, hospitals, businesses and places of worship. The training is in line with recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Registration for the course is $595 per person. Participants can register here on the ALICE Training website or contact Grebin at kevin.grebin@usiouxfalls.edu.

USF has a safe campus, and its campus security office is staffed by 18 full- and part-time staff who have a wealth of experience as former and current law enforcement professionals from the South Dakota Highway Patrol, City of Sioux Falls Police Department and more.

USF occasionally hosts training such as this one, and invites regional community organizations to join when it does.

About ALICE Training Institute

The ALICE Training Institute is changing how schools, universities, and businesses respond to armed intruders. ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate), developed after Columbine, teaches strategies to survive a life-threatening event. Supported by educators and law enforcement across the country, ALICE is quickly becoming the new standard of care.

ALICE Training Testimonials:

“I now believe that I have the tools to effectively deal with critical situations that I have spent 33 years in law enforcement thinking were virtually impossible. Your techniques and strategy are simple and solid.”

–Sgt. Bill Kamataris, Clinton Police

“Just a quick note to that you on the outstanding job you did with the ALICE training. As I said, if you can hold cops’ attention for two solid days, you obviously have an important message to convey.”

–Ken Thaxter, School Liaison Officer

“I think every school in the United States should implement a program, whether it’s ALICE or something similar. ALICE is the one that Creston, Iowa Police Department adopted.”

–Sgt. Eric Shawler, Creston Iowa Police Department

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