Asaph's Cow - Student Literary Magazine
Asaph’s Cow
Asaph’s Cow is the student literary magazine at the University of Sioux Falls. This digital magazine offers a medium for you, as a student writer and/or artist, to share your creativity with the rest of the USF community.
Students at USF may submit original work in any of the following genres: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art.
Guidelines for written works are as follows:
- You may submit works for more than one genre, but within each genre, please submit no more than one short story, one essay, and/or three poems.
- Entries must be the original work of the author.
- Stories and essays may be no longer than 4,000 words and poems no longer than 2 pages.
- Entries should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
- All prose should be double-spaced. Poetry may be single spaced.
- The first page of the submission should include: name, address, phone number, and email address; the category of each entry; title(s) of works submitted.
- Entries will not be returned.
Guidelines for visual arts are as follows:
- You may submit a maximum of two pieces.
- Entries must be original and unpublished.
- All submissions of photography and/or artwork should be digital/digitized and submitted via email.
- Please include a title page listing the following: name address, phone number, email address, and title(s).
- Entries will not be returned.
The deadline for the 2020 issue of Asaph's Cow is February 29, 2020. Please direct all questions and submissions to Dr. Greg Dyer at 605-331-6599 or Please include "Asaph's Cow" in the subject line of any emails.