Female students studying in their dorm room.

University of Sioux Falls Campus Safety and Security ensures the safety of students in the Residence Halls through the key-card system and by the supervision of trained Resident Directors who coordinate safety and security programs established by Student Life.

Secure Residence Halls

The safety of the residence halls at USF is maintained through the use of keys and a key-card system. Resident students are issued keys or key-cards at the beginning of the academic year and are responsible for the security of the keys or key-cards. Resident students who lose their keys or key-cards or distribute keys or key-cards to individuals not authorized access to the facility will face financial penalty and may face loss of residential privileges. Periodic key or key-card inventories occur throughout the academic year.

Trained Resident Directors

Each residence hall is staffed with Resident Directors. Resident Directors coordinate the safety and security programs established by the Student Development Office. They also supervise Resident Assistants and Night Security Monitors assigned to each facility. These residence life staff members are charged with the responsibility to safeguard the facility as well as to enforce University policies, while also serving as resources and referral persons for students living in the residence halls.

At the beginning of each term, residence life staff present required educational programs designed to orient resident students to issues of safety. Programs include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Building evacuations due to fire or bomb threats
  • Tornado or natural disaster training
  • Building Security and Key Security
  • Self-defense
  • Acquaintance/Stranger
  • Rape or Assault
  • Theft